Saturday, December 20, 2014

Blair's 1st Bday!!!!

I can't believe my little girl is 1.... she has transformed from being colicky Blarice, to the happiest, most precious little girl I have ever been around.  She really is so much fun.  I know she is going to love her birthday party tomorrow... we are going to blow it out in her honor!

The theme is "Winter Onederland" (thank you, pinterest), it's going to be "snow" much fun!

I've rented a snow machine for the kids to run through and play in, and Mrs. Clause will be in attendance to paint faces and make balloon animals.  Catering is provided by CJ's BBQ and the cake is from Ciana's Cakes.  It is a two tiered buttercream cake, with a big "1" on the top and her name, "Blair Ryan" written on the side.  I can't wait to see it.

In the oven now are cupcakes just for her.  They are paleo yellow cake with a maple coconut oil frosting.  They smell absolutely amazing.  Here is the recipe:

I'll be posting pics after the big day tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I just read something rather interesting while trying to search the web to discover how in the world to meditate.  It said to make friends with your mind.  Don't be mean to your mind, but find out what your mind likes to do.  The answer, is that the mind likes to think.  It likes to process and be challenged.  You may be saying that this is so obvious and that I'm obviously pretty aloof not to have gathered this on my own.  But, wow!  So true, my mind goes a million miles a minute, and if it is not occupied for a second it goes off the deep end, enter binge eating everything in the house or enter negative thoughts or feelings.  This is probably why I have taken up distance running.  It takes up a good chunk of time and keeps me busy.  It also helps my mind to relax and zone out.  It's an escape... for an hour, and free child care at the gym.  Gotta love it.

So, when I notice my mind getting revved up due to a lack of stimulation, I need to force myself to meditate.  I need to avoid thinking of it as a chore and not something that I would like to do, but think of it as stimulating and enriching.

My challenge for the month of November is to meditate daily.  Meditate in the form of prayer, blogging,

I am going to love my mind, and love it's naturally over active state.  I am going to start looking at this as a blessing rather than a challenge.

Wish me luck.


Having a 10 month old is crazy.  I think she purposefully contradicts everything I read.  I do know one thing, however, she has slept through the night for the past 2 days.  This is the first time in 10 months that she has started doing so.  She did it 2 weeks ago as well, but this was short lived, and we had another week long regression.  Naps during the day are hit or miss.  Somedays, she refuses to nap and will go full force all day, and others, she will nap.  And, it will be glorious.

This morning, she is napping, and I get to drink hot cocoa and type.  I am in heaven.  One thing that I would really like to start doing daily, is focusing on my spirituality.  In particular, I want to know God.  I want to stop the procrastination of knowing God, and just coexist with Him.  As I type this, I realize that I am the one standing in my own way, which sounds so cliche.  I think I've heard this line spouted off in church about 10k xs.  So God, please speak to me as I sit and relax.  Please revive my soul and give me rest.  Help me to know You.  Tell me about You.  I guess the answer to what are God's hopes and dreams is that we know Him and make Him known.  All glory and honor to Him we give.

Lord, help me to focus on today.  On now.  Calm my anxious spirit.  Holy Spirit, help me to chill out. Thank you for allowing me to be your child.  Help me to feel security as I wrestle with fears of death and dying.  Help me to prepare for life after death.  Help me to be thankful, and to give, and to forgive.

Thank you for saving me.  Thank you for helping me.  Please heal me and restore me.  I am so broken and have too many deficiencies to count.  Please help me to not focus on fixing, but rely on You to fix.

Thank you.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

1000 Calorie Work Out

I did this today:

Good grief!!! While I'm certain I didn't burn the promised 1000 calories (I never get close to the projected amount because of my height and weight), I am certain that I got a helluva work out! It lasted for a solid hour and contained 3 sections. It began and finished with HIIT and did strength training in between. The strength series was a welcomed break.

If you are looking for a serious work out that you can do at home, sans equipment, give this a whirl. I was a sweaty mess!!!

Happy Saturday.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I just made the most delicious breakfast cake inspired by:

It was amazing... I made a few modifications mainly because I forgot some of the ingredients at the grocery store.  I forgot the applesauce, and substituted coconut butter for the oil.  I also added rainbow sprinkles and more coconut butter on the top for fun.

This is just what mine looked like, except with the rainbow sprinkles!  :o)  It was so good that I have eaten half the pan.  Between that and several handfulls of my new favorite snack, yogurt covered almonds,  I will be going to spin class STUFFED.... fantastic :/  Why am I always doing this?


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday stay home work out

One of my favorite at home work outs are the ZuzkaLight ZWOW series on YouTube.  Zuzka is a hot Russian fireball who will absolutely kill you.  Her work outs are super short and super intense.  

Today, I challenged myself by doing the following 3 work outs.  I love these work outs in particular because they are real time.  I don't have to worry about setting a timer, and it makes it go by so much faster when I feel like she is doing them with me.  I was drenched in sweat by the time it was over.  You better believe I feasted tonight after this craziness!  Embarrassing, but as I look down while typing this, I see that chocolate has fallen into my Ergo carrier and my little girl is wearing the evidence of the chocolatey goodness I had for dessert.  I'd blame her but she is really only into milk.... Guilty.



Friday, February 7, 2014

Easy dinners and microwaved eggs

Happy Friday!!  Today's link up is with one of my favorite blogs: Housewife Glamour.

I am loving easy meals!  Last night, I whipped up everything below in about 30 minutes... with a baby... in the ergo.... Everything was courtesy of HEB and seasoned to perfection.  For the husband, I sauteed spicy chicken fajita thighs and decided to make chicken sausage meatballs.  The chicken sausage was pre-prepared with sun dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.  I simply made them into balls, seared them off on the stove top and then finished them in the oven.  It's great that my husband happens to be a low-maintenance, nocturnal carnivore because he polished all of this off overnight like a champ.  For myself, and my new bland breastfeeding diet, I grilled two Tilapia fillets, served on top of greens, one avocado, croutons, and honey mustard dressing.  I also had a side of these delicious frozen veggies: squash, bell peppers, and potatoes... so delicious.  It also allowed the perfect amount of room to be saved for dessert.  I blended a So Delicious ice cream sandwich, chocolate almond milk, and allergy free chocolate chips.  The mix did not disappoint!
Here is breakfast!  Have you ever microwaved your eggs?  Ever since I learned how to do this it makes making a high protein breakfast a breeze!  It really is so simple:  spray your bowl with cooking spray, add in your eggs, stir, add a splash of water or milk and salt/pepper.  Zap in the microwave for a minute.  Stir, and repeat until they are cooked.  Usually takes about 2 1/2 minutes.  Today, I had another avocado with my eggs, jelly, and a few pieces of beef sausage in a tortilla.  Love the sweet and savory.
I am also loving my little family.  Justin is actually off for the next two days, and I can't wait to spend some R&R time with him.

 We are loving (working on loving) tummy time!

I am also loving my new treadmill!  It really is the best way to get in a work out in between nap times.  Today, I knocked out 9 miles!  Currently, I am trying to get in 2 moderately long runs a week and doing strength training, spinning, or sprints on the other days.  Can't wait for my new running shoes to come in on Monday.  Will definitely leave a review ASAP.

Have a great weekend!